Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Novel Para Priyayi

Novel Para Priyayi merupakan novel yang sarat dengan makna, terutama dengan karakter-karakter yang ditunjukan oleh tokoh guru. Dalam peranannya, tokoh guru membawa amanat untuk terus disampaikan kepada para penerusnya melalui pendidikan untuk memiliki etos yang baik dalam kehidupan, etos ini dinamakan etos priyayi.
Priyayi sering dikatakan dengan istilah kejumudan bentuk aristokrasi yang kaku dalam kehidupan sosial, hal seperti ini tentu telah berubah, hal ini dilakukan oleh tokoh Lantip dalam menjalankan darma baktinya untuk meraih kehormatan sebagai priyayi yang dia lalui tanpa melewati garis keturunan yang murni sebagai ras bangsawan. Lantip bisa mengikuti perkembangan jaman dengan bentuk-bentuk kepriyayian yang baru.
Ada tiga hal penting yang dapat kita jadikan pelajaran dari etos priyayi, pertama, disiplin waktu, artinya kita harus bisa memanfaatkan waktu kita sebaik-baiknya. Kedua disiplin sikap, artinya sebagai orang yang terhormat kita harus bisa menjaga nama baik kita dari tindakan-tindakan yang tidak semestinya, dan yang ketiga displin tempat, artinya kita harus bisa menempatkan sesuatu pada tempatnya, kita tidak boleh melebihi takaran yang sepantasnya atau melebihi batas-batas kewajaran. Dudukanlah perkara itu pada tempat yang sebaik-baiknya karena kalau itu kita abaikan, maka akan ada kerusakan di muka bumi ini. Itulah janji Allah kepada kita.

Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

Resensi Novel The Punk

I. Identitas Buku
• Jilid Buku : Jilid novel The Punk memiliki latar belakang motif papan catur (kotak hitam dan putih kecil-kecil), dengan gambar siluet seorang anak punk, memilikui tukisan untuk judul THE PUNK, #1 PUNK NOVEL dan nama pengarang di bawahnya Gideon Sams.
• Judul Buku : The Punk
• Nama Pengarang : Gideon Sams
• Nama Penerbit : Alinea
• Edisi/cetakan : Pertama
• Tahun Terbit : 2004
• Jumlah Bab : Dalam novel The Punk meiliki 7 Bab, yaitu : The Roxy, Rumah Adolph, Bursa Tenaga Kerja, Rumah Keluarga, Rumah Pesta, Suatu Hari di Suatu Kota, Akhir Perseteruan.
• Jumlah Halaman : xvi+58
• Jenis Kertas : Hvs 80 gram
• Ukuran Kertas : 12x18
• Karya-karya Lainya : Tidak ada
• Unsur Intrinsik
1. Tema
Novel The Punk memiliki tema tentang kehidupan salah seorang penganut aliran musik Punk.
2. Latar /seting
Novel The Punk menceritakan tokoh Adolph di daerah North Kensington, London. cerita ini terjadi pada waktu Band Sex Pistols masih bediri diperkirakan pada era -70 an. Pada era ini di London pengaruh aliran musik Punk sedang naik daun, banyak anak muda London menjadi penganutnya.
3. Alur/Plot
Pada novel The Punk memakai alur maju, ditunjukan dengan rentetan cerita yang mengalir ketika Adolph masih di rumah orang tuanya, kemudian pindah, dan berakhir hidupnya bersama Thelma.

4. Penokohan Karakter
• Ayah Adolph : dia adalah seorang ayah yang baik, yang berusaha keras mendidik anaknya. Wataknya keras.
• Ibu Adolph : seperti figur ibu pada umumnya yang penuh kasih sayang, namun terlalu lembek kalau mendidik karena selalu dipengaruhi oleh perasaan.
• Teman-teman Adolph : mereka semuanya penganut aliran punk, jadi silidaritas mereka kepada Adolph tidak diragukan lagi.
• Ned dan Kelompok Teddy Bear : merupakan seteru berat Adolph, karena merekaberlainan aliran musik. Ned dan teman-temanya menganut aliran Rock. Mereka sangat kasar dan keji terhadap anak-anak Punk.
5. Tokoh
Tokoh Utama :
• Adolph
Tokoh pembantu :
• Ayah dan Ibu adolph
• Teman Adolph (Sid Sick, Bill Migrain, Johny Vormit, dan Vince Violence)
• Ned (pemimpin kelompok Teddy bear)
• Thelma (Pacar Ned)
6. Sudut Pandang
Sudut pandang pengarang dalam novel The Punk termasuk Narrato Omniscient Observer, yaitu pengarang meskipun hanya jadi pengamat dari pelaku, juga merupakan penutur yang serba tahu meskipun pengisah itu masih juga menyebut nama pelaku dengan ia, mereka, maupun dia.

7. Amanat
Pengarang dalam kisah yang dituturkan dalam novel The Punk berusaha mengungkapkan realita kehidupan sosial masyarakat urban, dengan kemunculan idealisme Punk merupakan bukti perlawanan kelas pekerja terhadap kemapanan, yang kemunculanya bertepatan dengan industrialisasi di kota London..

II. Jenis Buku
The Punk termasuk genre novelet, yaitu sebuah novel pendek. Buku ini merupakan karangan Gideon sams waktu masih duduk di bangku sekolah. Sebagai seorang yang berpendidkan yang tidak tinggi gaya bahasa yang dituturkan Gideon sams tidak terlalu njelimet, justru dengan gaya seperti ini sangat mengentalkan nuansa tulisan seorang biasa, yang secara jujur seperti bertutur tentang dirinya. Jalan cerita yang Dia bawakan juga tidak rumit, sangat mengalir dengan ilustrasi yang cukup detail.

III. Kelebihan/keunggulan
The Punk merupakan sebuah novel yang ditulis langsung oleh pengarang yang terjun langsung sebagai penganut Punk, jadi buku ini benar-benar berdasarkan pengamatan dan penjiwaan yang nyata.

IV. Sinopsis
Novel The Punk menceritakan liku-liku kehidupan seorang anak punk yang bernama Adolph, dia benar-benar menerapkan idealisme punk dalam hidupnya, sehingga kedua orang tuanya tidak menyukai. Rutinitas dia hanya berkumpul dengan teman-temanya (Sid Sick, Bill Migrain, Johny Vormit, dan Vince Violence), nonton gigs (istilah pertunjukan konser anak punk) atau berkelahi dengan anak-anak Tedddy Bear yang sangat dibencinya.
Setelah mendapatkan pekerjaan di sebuah tempat pemotongan ikan, Adolph memutuskan untuk pindah rumah, supaya kebebasan sepenuhnya bisa dia peroleh. Dalam pergaulanya di suatu tempat pesta mempertemukanya dengan seorang perempuan bernama Thelma (yang awalnya merupakan pacar Ned) akhirnyamereka berpacaran.
Karena hal ini pula yang menyebabkan kematian Adolph dan Thelma, pada suatu kesempatan teman Ned membunuh Adolph dan Thelma dalam sebuah perkelahian yang tidak seimbang.

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

Into the wild

Music for the motion picture, Into the Wild.

All songs written and performed by Ed Vedder
except as noted*

*Hard Sun written by Gordon Peterson
Hard Sun background vocal by Corin Tucker
*Society written by Jerry Hannan
Society guitars and background vocal by Jerry Hannan

Recorded by Adam Kasper
Mixed by Adam Kasper and Eddie Vedder
Engineered by John Burton and Sam Hofstedt
Mastered by Bob Ludwig
Instrument Technician George Webb III
Assistant Mike Kutchman

Recorded at Studio X in Seattle, WA

Produced by Adam Kasper and Eddie Vedder

Album Concept by Jerome Turner
Layout and Design by Brad Klausen and Eddie Vedder
Artistic Facilitator Sato Masuzawa

Location Shots and Photos
of Emile Hirsch by Chuck Zlotrick and Francois Duhamel

Back Cover Silhouette Photo
of Eddie Vedder by Anton Corbijn

With Thanks to Jon Krakauer and the McCandless Family,
Emile Hirsch and Brian Dierker

Special Thanks to Sean Penn

In Memory of Christopher J. McCandless

Eddie Vedder - Setting Forth lyrics
Artist: Eddie Vedder
Album: Into The Wild
Year: 2007
Title: Setting Forth

Be it no concern
Point of no return
Go foward in reverse

This I will recall
Everytime I fall

Setting forth in the universe

Setting forth in the universe

Out here, realigned
A planet out of sight

Nature drunk and high

(random Eddie moans)
[Setting Forth Lyrics on ]

Eddie Vedder - No Ceiling lyrics
Artist: Eddie Vedder
Album: Into The Wild
Year: 2007
Title: No Ceiling

Comes the morning
When I can feel
That there's nothing left to be concealed
Moving on a scene surreal
No, my heart will never
Will never be far from here

Sure as I am breathing
Sure as I'm sad
I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh
I leave here believing more than I had
And there's a reason I'll be
A reason I'll be back

As I walk
The Hemisphere
Got my wish
To up and disappear

I been wounded
I been healed
Now for landing I been
Landing I been cleared

Sure as I'm leaving
Sure as I'm sad
I'll keep this wisdom
In my flesh

I leave here believing
More than I had
This Love has got
No Ceiling
[No Ceiling Lyrics on ]

Eddie Vedder - Far Behind lyrics
Artist: Eddie Vedder
Album: Into The Wild
Year: 2007
Title: Far Behind

Take Leave
the conscious mind
Found myself
to be so inclined

Why sleep
in discontent?
Oh the price
of companionship

My shadow runs with me
underneath the Big Wide Sun
My shadow comes with me
as we leave it all
we leave it all Far Behind

Empty pockets will
Allow a greater
Sense of wealth

Why contain yourself
Like any other
Book on the shelf

My shadow lays with me
underneath the Big Wide Sun
My shadow stays with me
as we leave it all
we leave it all Far Behind

Subtle voices in the wind,
Hear the truth they're telling
A world begins where the road ends
Watch me leave it all behind

Far Behind

Far Behind
[Far Behind Lyrics on ]

Eddie Vedder - Rise lyrics
Artist: Eddie Vedder
Album: Into The Wild
Year: 2007
Title: Rise

Such is the way of the world
You can never know
Just where to put all your faith
And how will it grow

Gonna rise up
Burning black holes in dark memories
Gonna rise up
Turning mistakes into gold

Such is the passage of time
Too fast to fold
Suddenly swallowed by signs
Low and behold

Gonna rise up
Find my direction magnetically
Gonna rise up
Throw down my ace in the hole

(Thanks to mania for these lyrics)
[Rise Lyrics on ]

Eddie Vedder - Long Nights lyrics
Artist: Eddie Vedder
Album: Into The Wild
Year: 2007
Title: Long Nights

Have no fear
For when I'm alone
I'll be better off than I was before

I've got this light
I'll be around to grow
Who I was before
I cannot recall

Long nights allow me to feel...
I'm falling...I am falling
The lights go out
Let me feel
I'm falling
I am falling safely to the ground

I'll take this soul that's inside me now
Like a brand new friend
I'll forever know

I've got this light
And the will to show
I will always be better than before

Long nights allow me to feel...
I'm falling...I am falling
The lights go out
Let me feel
I'm falling
I am falling safely to the ground
[Long Nights Lyrics on ]

Eddie Vedder - Hard Sun lyrics
Artist: Eddie Vedder
Album: Into The Wild
Year: 2007
Title: Hard Sun

When I walk beside her
i am the better man
when I look to leave her
I always stagger back again
once I built an ivory tower
so I could worship from above
and when I climbed down to be set free
she took me in again

there's a big
a big hard sun
beaten on the big people
in the big hard world

when she comes to greet me
she is mercy at my feet
when I see her pin her charm
she just throws it back again
once I sought an early grave
to find a better land
she just smiled and laughed at me
and took her blues back again

there's a big
a big hard sun
beaten on the big people
in the big hard world

there's a big
a big hard sun
beaten on the big people
in the big hard world

when I go to cross that river
she is comfort by my side
when I try to understand
she just opens up her eyes

there's a big
a big hard sun
beaten on the big people
in the big hard world

once I stood to lose her
when I saw what I had done
bound down and flew away the hours
of her garden and her sun
so I tried to warn her
i'll turn to see her weep
40 days and 40 nights
and it's still coming down on me

there's a big
a big hard sun
beaten on the big people
in the big hard world

there's a big
a big hard sun
beaten on the big people
in the big hard world

there's a big
a big hard sun
beaten on the big people
in the big hard world

there's a big
a big hard sun
beaten on the big people
in the big hard world
[Hard Sun Lyrics on ]

Eddie Vedder - End Of The Road lyrics
Artist: Eddie Vedder
Album: Into The Wild
Year: 2007
Title: End Of The Road

I won't be the last
I won't be the first
Find a way to where the sky meets the earth
It's all right and all wrong
For me it begins at the end of the road
We come and go...

(Thanks to Louie for these lyrics)
[End Of The Road Lyrics on ]

Eddie Vedder - Society lyrics
Artist: Eddie Vedder
Album: Into The Wild
Year: 2007
Title: Society

hmmm ooh hooo hooo

It's a mistery to me
we have a greed
with which we have agreed

You think you have to want
more than you need
until you have it all you won't be free

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me

When you want more than you have
you think you need
and when you think more than you want
your thoughts begin to bleed

I think I need to find a bigger place
'cos when you have more than you think
you need more space

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me

there's those thinking more or less less is more
but if less is more how you're keeping score?
Means for every point you make
your level drops
kinda like its starting from the top
you can't do that...

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me

society, have mercy on me
I hope you're not angry if I disagree
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me
[Society Lyrics on ]

Eddie Vedder - Guaranteed lyrics
Artist: Eddie Vedder
Album: Into The Wild
Year: 2007
Title: Guaranteed

On bended knee is no way to be free
lifting up an empty cup I ask silently
that all my destinations will accept the one that's me
so I can breath

Circles they grow and they swallow people whole
half their lives they say goodnight to wive's they'll never know
got a mind full of questions and a teacher in my soul
so it goes...

Don't come closer or I'll have to go
Holding me like gravity are places that pull
If ever there was someone to keep me at home
It would be you...

Everyone I come across in cages they bought
they think of me and my wandering
but I'm never what they thought
got my indignation but I'm pure in all my thoughts
I'm alive...

Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere
underneath my being is a road that disappeared
late at night I hear the trees
they're singing with the dead

Leave it to me as I find a way to be
consider me a satelite for ever orbiting
I knew all the rules but the rules did not know me
[Guaranteed Lyrics on ]